CUSEC is providing two different summer workshops in 2006. The first workshop will be an ATC20 Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings course that teaches attendees how to evaluate buildings for safe occupancy after an earthquake. This program is useful in other disasters as well. Typically, after a disaster, emergency management officials work with trained volunteer inspectors such as engineers, architects, or building inspectors to identify the safety of critical facilities and residential structures. This course will be held on June 12, 2006 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Next is an Earthquake Non-Structural Mitigation workshop which will be held in Memphis, Tennessee on June 19, 2006 and again in St. Louis, Missouri on July 27, 2006. These workshops will provide attendees with basics of structural vs. non-structural elements, non-structural hazards, non-structural mitigation practices, and mitigation funding sources. Meeting space for the workshops is being generously provided by MLGW in Memphis and A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. in St. Louis. To register or for more information, please contact CUSEC.