CUSEC Staff Information
Please feel free to contact our staff with any questions or comments you may have about CUSEC or earthquakes in the central U.S. We will be happy to help you find the resources that you need.
Due to increases in unsolicited commercial email (spam), it has become necessary to remove staff email address from the CUSEC website. If you would like to contact a staff member directly by email, please use the following format – . For instance, John Smith’s email address would be We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Brian Blake
Executive Director
(901) 544-3570
Rosie Becker
Administrative & Program Assistant
(901) 544-3570
Steve Besemer
RVS Screener
(901) 544-3570
Daniel Hopkins
Program Manager – CLSS
(901) 544-3570
Melody Hopkins
Operations Manager
(901) 544-0540
Mary MacKinnon
Grants Specialist
(901) 544-3570
Natasha McCallister
Earthquake Program Coordinator
(901) 544-3570
Brenna Morse
Program Manager – NEHRP/RVS
(901) 544-3570