Today is September 1, which means it’s officially National Preparedness Month. Hurricane Issac, the east coast earthquake from 2011, and many other disasters have been critical reminders about the importance of individual and community preparedness. FEMA is working to engage the country by asking people to “Pledge to Prepare“. As you prepare yourself and community, we need your help to continue to get the word out about the importance of earthquake and disaster preparedness.
Jim Wilkinson, Executive Director of CUSEC, encourages the public to prepare as well. “In the last month there have been two major earthquakes, the M7.6 in Cost Rica on September 5, and M7.6 in the Philippines on August 31st – those could have just as easily occurred here in the central U. S. Are we ready for a damaging earthquake? Can more be done beforehand to reduce our vulnerability? Taking an active part in National Preparedness month is a great way to get engaged and take action, because it’s a matter of when, not if, a disaster may strike.” To join the National Preparedness Month Coalition and start making a difference today visit –