In the first quarter of 2011, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will host three FREE one-hour webinars for school officials, teachers, facility managers, and others who are interested in learning how to reduce earthquake risks and take actions to ensure school safety and continued operations. Numerous school buildings located in multiple states and U.S. territories are vulnerable to earthquake damage and losses. At these webinars, participants will learn the following:
– How to assess and analyze your earthquake risks
– How to develop an actionable plan to reduce and manage earthquake risks
– How to initiate an earthquake risk reduction plan for existing school buildings
– How to secure “non-structural” elements of the school facility
and much more…
These webinars will be a great opportunity to learn more about the topics above and begin preparation for the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut. The webinars will be held on January 20, February 17, and March 17, 2011 at 3:00PM EST. Registration is free. To register please send your preferred date to participate, name, organization, address, phone number and email address by fax at 650-593-2320 or by email at by Friday, January 7, 2011.