Our Earthquake Planning publications include flyers, pamphlets, and handouts that discuss various earthquake planning topics and issues. Please use the links in this section to download a publication of interest. Most of the publications are available in hard copy, in limited quantities. If you would like a hard copy of any publication, please contact us with your request.
Earthquake Vulnerability of Transportation Systems in the Central U.S.
Revised 2000 – 1MB Download
Availability: Print and Online PDF
Provides an overview of earthquake vulnerabilities and challenges of transportation systems in the central and eastern United States.
The Elected Officials Guide to Earthquakes in the Central United States
Revised 2004- 1.2MB Download
Availability: Print and Online PDF
This informative brochure gives elected officials (local, state, and federal levels) a brief overview of the earthquake hazard and risk in the central United States. The brochure also discusses the different roles that elected officials play before, during, and after an earthquake.
The Planning Process
Published 1999 – 91K Download
Availability: Print and Online PDF
An overview of organized preparation for regional disaster planning.
Faith Based Organizations: What You Should Know About Earthquakes and How They Can Affect You
Published 2005 – 585K Download
Availability: Print and Online PDF
Overview of earthquakes and the earthquake hazard in the central United States and how they can affect Faith Based Organizations.