As part of the New Madrid Bicentennial, the Missouri Seismic Safety Commission is implementing a program in the central U.S. to create better prepared and more self-reliant neighboorhoods. This program is known as “Map Your Neighborhood“. The primary goal of Map Your Neighborhood is to prepare neighborhoods (generally 15-20 homes in urban areas, 6-7 in rural areas) to be self-reliant during the first hours of a disaster response, when traditional 9-1-1 responders are overwhelmed by demand. The program prepares neighbors to help themselves and others with an easy, simple and friendly set of activities.
Map Your Neighborhood (MYN, pronounced “mine”) was developed by Dr. LuAn Johnson, first in Sunnyvale, CA and then in Seattle, WA. The program was implemented state-wide by the State of Washington’s Emergency Management Division (WA-EMD). This award-winning program has proven its effectiveness during the February 28, 2001 Nisqually (Seattle) Earthquake. MYN has been adopted by many states, counties and cities and the program is being encouraged by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program. The city of Carbondale, Illinois has enthusiastically implemented MYN. The Missouri Seismic Safety Commission (MSSC) has endorsed MYN for Missouri and has been given permission by WA-EMD to print the copy-written materials and conduct training. Other states or local government offices are welcome to get information from both WA-EMD and MSSC.
For more information on this effort, visit the MYN program page on the Bicentennial website at