MEMPHIS, TN — Rounding out FEMA’s successful “National Preparedness Month” which ends on September 30, individuals and communities throughout 14 mid-west states will participate in the fifth annual Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Earthquake Drill this October 15.
Held annually on the third Thursday of October, the ShakeOut International Day of Action is set for Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 10:15 a.m. During the self-led drill, participants practice how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”. Endorsed by emergency officials and first responders, the safe response to an earthquake is to:
- DROP to the ground
- Take COVER under a sturdy table or desk if possible, protecting your head and neck
- HOLD ON until the shaking stops
The April 2015 M7.8 Nepal earthquake and M8.3 September 16, 2015 earthquake near Illapel, Chile serve as reminders that large earthquakes can occur with little to no warning. Citizens in the central U.S. are not immune to earthquakes—the region is home to several active seismic zones capable of producing damaging earthquakes, including the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones.
According to CUSEC Executive Director Jim Wilkinson, “While damaging earthquakes here may occur with less frequency than in other areas of the world, they can occur at any time wherever we work, live, or travel within the region and beyond. Everyone, everywhere should know how to protect themselves before, during, and after an earthquake.”
The ShakeOut is free and open-to-the-public, and participants include individuals, schools, businesses, local and state government agencies, and many other groups. To take part in the ShakeOut, individuals and organizations are asked to join the drill by registering to participate Once registered, participants receive regular information on how to plan their drill and become better prepared for earthquakes and other disasters.
CUSEC has coordinated the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut (since 2011) and the Great SouthEast ShakeOut (since 2012) in partnership with its Member and Associate States. The ShakeOut, which is coordinated globally by the Southern California Earthquake Center, is now an international earthquake preparedness campaign involving most of the United States, and several countries worldwide. In 2015, more than 25 million people around the globe are expected to participate. In addition to safety drills, many take extra steps to become more prepared for earthquakes or other disasters. For more information, visit