The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has recently announced the release of “The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program: FEMA Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2011“.
FEMA’s National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) activities are led by the FEMA Headquarters, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, Risk Reduction Division, Building Science Branch, in strong partnership with the FEMA Regions, the states, the four multi-state earthquake consortia, including CUSEC, and other partners. The report provides many examples of replicable state best practices, projects, and initiatives for mitigating earthquake risk and increasing the disaster resilience of our communities. Also highlighted in the report are some of the activities the earthquake consortia have been involved with over the past year.
NEHRP seeks to mitigate earthquake losses in the U.S. through basic and directed research and implementation activities in the fields of earthquake science and engineering. As one of the four NEHRP federal agencies, FEMA is responsible for developing effective earthquake risk reduction tools and promoting their implementation, as well as supporting the development of disaster-resistant building codes and standards. The accomplishments described in the FY 2011 report show how FEMA and its partners, working in collaboration, are continuing to make progress toward earthquake loss-reduction nationwide. Work completed in 2011 will have applications immediately or in the near term in reducing earthquake risk.
The document is available from the FEMA Online Library in PDF Format.