FEMA 74 explains the sources of earthquake damage that can occur in nonstructural components and provides information on effective methods for reducing risk associated with nonstructural earthquake damage. It is intended for use by a non-engineer audience that includes building owners, facility managers, maintenance personnel, store or office managers, corporate or agency department heads, and homeowners. The reference material contained within the third edition of FEMA 74 is now approaching 20 years old. A considerable amount of new information now exists as a result of ongoing National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) activities, local and state government programs, private sector initiatives, and academic work focused on reducing the potential for nonstructural earthquake damage.
This fourth edition of the FEMA 74 document updates both the content and the format of the report. The document has been redesigned for use on the internet, and is known as “FEMA E-74”. Currently, the report contains fifty examples, complete with photos of actual damage and details illustrating correct mitigation measures. The new format makes it simple to browse and to print out the relevant details. To view FEMA E-74 online, visit – http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/earthquake/fema74/preface.shtm