FEMA is currently accepting submissions for the 2011 Individual and Community Preparedness Awards. These awards recognize the innovative and outstanding achievements of all of the individuals, communities, and organizations working to ensure that the United States is better prepared and more resilient. The Awards showcase the work of the Agency’s partners at the State, territorial, local, and tribal levels. This includes non-governmental organizations in the non-profit, faith-based, and private sector communities, as well as and diverse individuals, families, and communities. As an NPM Coalition Member, the work you are doing qualifies and we encourage you to submit your activities and ideas for consideration. Submissions can feature examples of any outstanding achievements in individual and community preparedness worthy of recognition. Please visit http://www.citizencorps.gov/councils/awards/2011/awards2011.shtm for full details.
Winners will be announced in during National Preparedness Month, September 2011, and will be FEMA’s honored guests at a community preparedness roundtable event in Washington, D.C. One winner will be selected to attend the 2011 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Conference in Las Vegas, NV, and to participate on a FEMA community preparedness panel. Entries must be received by August 26, 11:59 p.m. E.D.T.