EERI’s Learning from Earthquakes Program is organizing a series of briefings on Haiti and Chile in various locations, primarily as webinars and webcasts. The first in this series is being organized and sponsored by EERI, PEER and GEER and will be held:
Tuesday March 30, 2010
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm PST
Download the agenda here (PDF)
Auditorium in Room 310, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS Building), UC Berkeley
Speakers to include: Professor Jack Moehle, former PEER Director & EERI Reconnaissance Team Leader, Bill Holmes of Rutherford & Chekene and Mark Yashinsky of Caltrans, both EERI team members and Jon Bray of UC Berkeley and Keith Kelson of Fugro William Lettis & Associates, both members of the GEER team. This first briefing about the Chile Earthquake on Feb 27, 2010 and its many subsequent aftershocks will provide an overview of the findings of the reconnaissance teams. It will be followed by a series of other briefings that are arranged on specific topics that warrant additional detail and discussion.