The CUSEC Member State Earthquake Program Managers work in each State Emergency Management Agency and are responsible for the day-to-day activities of the Earthquake Program in their State. As a group, the Program Managers set goals and program activities each year that will be carried out in their State and in the CUSEC region. CUSEC facilitates annual meetings of the Program Managers, where these goals and activities are outlined for the coming year. The Program Managers also help CUSEC develop products and programs that they would otherwise be unable to implement in their State, due to funding, manpower, or other limitations.
In addition to working together in the CUSEC region, the Program Managers are part of the National State Earthquake Program Managers (NSEPM) working group. This group is made up of the State Program Managers from all states in the country. In the 1990’s, this group met at the Earthquake Program Information Exchange (EPIE) annual meeting until the late 90’s. In 2005, CUSEC and it’s sister consortia, helped revitalize the group and organize an annual meeting of the NSEPM group. They now meet each year in the spring to network with eachother, give program updates, share best practices, and build relationships with their Federal counterparts.
To contact your State Earthquake Program Manager, please visit our Member State page, and follow the links to your State.