CUSEC is pleased to announce that Kansas has been voted in as the tenth associate member state by the CUSEC Board of Directors. This addition comes at the request of Major General, Tod Bunting, State Director of the Kansas Division of Emergency Management (KEM). In a letter to the CUSEC Board of Directors, Director Bunting stated that Kansas is actively planning with their neighboring state, Missouri—which faces the constant threat of a New Madrid seismic event—to be ready to provide various resources in the event of a damaging earthquake in the central US. These resources will include shipment of equipment, and the housing of disaster victims in congregate care shelters. Kansas has a long-time reputation for assisting other states across the country in times of disaster. In 2005, the state deployed Kansans to the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. Prior to that, Kansas personnel were sent to New York post 9/11 to assist with donations management. Most recently—in 2008— KEM personnel went to Iowa to assist with flood recovery. Please join us in welcoming Kansas as the newest associate state member of the CUSEC organization.