CUSEC serves as a coordinating hub for the region, working with our Member States to accomplish our mission and goal areas. Our role is largely facilitative, planning, and solutions oriented, not as an implementer of emergency management functions, which are legislative responsibilities of each Member State. Our primary mission is, “… the reduction of deaths, injuries, property damage and economic losses resulting from earthquakes in the Central United States” and we have four program and goal areas that we actively pursue to accomplish this mission.
We encourage you to click on the links provided below, which highlight several of our current and previous programs in earthquake risk reduction.
Public Outreach & Education
– Earthquake Awareness Month
– Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
– Building Inventory & Resource Deployment (BIRD) Program
Multi-State Planning
– New Madrid Catastrophic Planning Initiative
Application of Research & Lessons Learned
– Association of CUSEC State Geologists