In 2006, FEMA provided funding to CUSEC to lead an effort to develop, improve, and integrate the earthquake response plans of the eight CUSEC Member States, those would be most affected by a New Madrid earthquake. The New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) Catastrophic Planning Project, remains the largest multi-state response planning effort of its kind, and drew upon lessons learned from previous planning initiatives throughout the nation. Thousands of hours of planning, training, and exercising have gone into this historic effort. The project also helped establish and refine portions of the National Response Framework, an all-hazards guide that establishes how the Nation will respond to small and large scale disasters.
In December of 2011, CUSEC prepared an “After Action Report”for the NMSZ Catastrophic Planning Project (13MB PDF). That report is now available online and catalogs in detail the five years of planning efforts and highly successful results of the project and the NLE-11. It identifies the lessons learned and provides recommendations to build upon this important undertaking. The CUSEC Board of Directors has listed several key activities that will take place over the next three years which will lead up to another major exercise, known as CAPSTONE 14. This event will allow Member States to further refine and develop response and recovery capabilities in preparation for a major disaster. Download the AAR by clicking here.