Quick Links
State Government: http://www.in.gov
Emergency Management: http://in.gov/dhs
Geological Survey: https://igws.indiana.edu
State Emergency Management
Indiana Department of Homeland Security
302 W. Washington St., Room 208
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 232-3986
Website: http://in.gov/dhs
Twitter: @IDHS
Facebook: IndianaDHS
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 232-3986
Website: http://in.gov/dhs
Twitter: @IDHS
Facebook: IndianaDHS
Stephen Cox. Executive Director
Mary Moran, Director of Emergency Management
Ms. Allison Curry
Earthquake Program Manager
Email: acurry@dhs.IN.gov
State Geological Survey
Indiana Geological Survey
611 N. Walnut Grove St.
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: (812) 855-7636
Website: https://igws.indiana.edu
Twitter: @INGeoSurvey
Facebook: INGeoSurvey
Bloomington, IN 47405
Phone: (812) 855-7636
Website: https://igws.indiana.edu
Twitter: @INGeoSurvey
Facebook: INGeoSurvey
Mr. Todd Thompson
State Director
Ms. Polly Root Sturgeon
Earthquake Geologist
Email: proot@indiana.edu
Phone: (812) 855-1378
Seismic Safety Commission
None Active