CUSEC is honored to announce that our Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Information Technology (IT) Working Group is the recipient of the 2015 FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness (ICPD) Award, Technological Innovation category. The award is based on the GIS/IT innovations leading up to and during CAPSTONE-14, a multi-year planning and exercise initiative involving the CUSEC Member and Associate States, the Federal Government, and Private Sector. During CAPSTONE-14, the Working Group created data sharing models and tools for decision makers for situational awareness before and during disasters. These systems have since become national models of excellence and were a test-bed to lay the foundation for future improvements for expanding regional and national shared situational awareness for emergency management and first responders.
The annual ICPD awards program recognizes outstanding efforts of individuals, programs, and organizations throughout the country working to prepare their communities for emergencies. The winners developed innovative practices and campaigns in 2014 that have made outstanding contributions toward making communities safer,better prepared, and more resilient. According to FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, ““Effective emergency management requires commitment, teamwork, and engagement by the entire community before disasters occur. I congratulate the individuals and organizations that embody these ideals. Through their hard work and dedication, they are making our nation stronger and safer.”
CUSEC will join ten other award recipients who will be recognized by FEMA on September 8, 2015 in Washington, D.C. During the recognition ceremony, recipients will share their experiences, success stories, and lessons learned with fellow emergency management leaders. Including CUSEC’s GIS/IT Working Group, CUSEC Member State Alabama’s Be Ready program also received an award for their “Alabama Be Ready Camp”.
We would like to congratulate all award winners and program applicants and recognize their contributions to improving community preparedness. For more information on the 2015 ICPD Awards, please see the official FEMA Press Release.