The CUSEC State Transportation Task force was created in 2000 to address the regional planning needs of the State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). It is one of the formalized Associations working under the CUSEC umbrella. The Task Force serves two primary purposes: to help facilitate closer interaction between state departments of transportation on issues related to emergency preparedness and also to provide a central point for collaboration with other organizations on transportation issues related to both man-made and natural disasters having a regional impact.
In 2007, CUSEC was deeply saddened by the loss of Task Force founding visionary, Jerry Thompson, of the Indiana Department of Transportation. Jerry’s enthusiasm and work ethic will always be remembered. For more about Jerry, click here (requires Acrobat Reader).
Comments or request for additional information on the Task Force should be addressed to the Task Force Chairman, Mr. Tom Korty at
CUSEC State Transportation Task Force Vision Statement
The vision of the CUSEC State Transportation Task force is to be an effective organization dedicated to enhancing man-made and natural transportation hazard mitigation by developing a multi-state strategy for identifying research, sharing information, response planning, and conducting training exercises, through the establishment of a closer collaboration between and among the CUSEC member states Departments of Transportation, various State and Federal Agencies, and related professional organizations.
Memorandum of Understanding for the CUSEC State Transportation Task Force
June 30, 2000
The States of Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee (hereinafter “States”) are located within the region of the central United States that is subject to damaging earthquakes within the New Madrid and Wabash Valley Seismic Zones, and other areas of seismic activity and enter into this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Damaging earthquakes in the region will cause widespread and extensive damage to roadways, bridges and other critical transportation facilities, as well as other key public facilities, and will have both regional and national implications.
The timely and effective response on a local, state, and regional level, to damages and disruption of transportation facilities is essential in order to minimize injury, illness and loss of life. Every effort should be made to limit damages to private property, to limit the loss of essential public services and to minimize economic disruption. Regional sharing of information and research, cooperation in response planning and training exercises is desired by these states in order to enhance emergency response and recovery capabilities.
This MOU does not obligate any member of the Task Force beyond the provisions noted below. Task Force States may opt out of this MOU at any time and for any reason. Accordingly, the States agree to establish the “CUSEC State Transportation Task Force” (hereinafter “Task Force”) which shall:
– Develop a multi-year strategy focused on transportation as the key to improving disaster preparedness for the seven (7) member states in the central United States region
– Identify research needed to facilitate the design, construction, maintenance or rehabilitation of seismic-resistant transportation systems.
– Promote information sharing and conduct joint planning and training exercises among the Task Force
– Undertake activities that will enhance cooperation among the Task Force states in planning and preparing for the response to damaging earthquakes in the region.
– Prepare an annual report to the Central United States Earthquake Consortium regarding the Task Force’s work
– Identify and apply for funding to be used to further the activities of the Task Force
Member List
The CUSEC State Transportation Task Force is comprised of representatives from the Departments of Transportation from the States of Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, in collaboration with the Federal Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Federal and State Emergency Management Agencies, United States Geological Survey, Association of CUSEC State Geologists, and the Central United States Earthquake Consortium. The representatives are listed below.
Alabama Les Morrissette Alabama Department of Transportation 1409 Coliseum Blvd. Montgomery, AL 36110 Phone: (334) 353-6883 Fax: (334) 242-6378 Email: |
Arkansas Brooks Booher Arkansas Highway & Transportation Dept. P.O. Box 2261 Little Rock, AR 72203 Phone: (501) 569-2467 Fax: (501) 569-2014 Email: |
Illinois Thomas Korty Illinois Dept. of Transportation 2300 S. Dirksen Parkway Springfield, IL 62764 Phone: (217) 524-0151 Email: |
Indiana Thomas E. Vanderpool Director, Emergency Planning and Response Indiana Department of Transportation Phone: (317) 234-3981 Email: |
Kentucky Herb Hendrickson, P.C. Incident Management/ESF-01 Coord. KYTC Div. Of Incident Mgt. Phone: (502) 564-2080 Email: |
Mississippi Bob Chapman Mississippi Department of Transportation P.O. Box 1850 Jackson, MS 39215-1850 Phone: (601) 359-7122 Fax: (601) 359-7126 Email: |
Missouri Richard Bennett Missouri Department of Transportation P.O. Box 270 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Phone: (573) 526-1759 Fax: (573) 526-4868 Email: |
Tennessee Greg Duncan Tennessee Dept. of Transportation Suite 400, James K. Polk Bldg. 505 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37243 Phone: (615) 741-2027 Fax: (615) 532-5995 Email: |
Annual Reports
Click the links below to read the Annual Reports for the CUSEC State Transportation Task Force, which were required as part of their funding during 2001 to 2006. The reports are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader or compatible PDF viewer.
Fiscal Year 2001
Fiscal Year 2002
Fiscal Year 2003
Fiscal Year 2004
Fiscal Year 2005
Fiscal Year 2006