CUSEC Members, Associates, and supporting States will participate in CAPSTONE-14, a regional, multi-state exercise designed to test response and recovery capabilities following a major New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) earthquake.
In direct support of Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD8), CAPSTONE-14 is the culmination of three years of planning and preparedness activities led by the CUSEC Board of Directors. It follows and builds upon lessons learned during the NMSZ Catastrophic Planning Initiative and National Level Exercise 2011 (NLE11), completing the full emergency management planning, training, and exercise cycle. CAPSTONE-14 also serves as a regional and national model to the emergency management community by incorporating new technologies such as the Mutual Aid Support System (MASS), the Virtual Business Emergency Operations Center (vBEOC), a regional Common Operating Picture (COP), and more.
The National Information Sharing Consortium is working with the Dept. of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate to host a “Virtual VIP Day” during CAPSTONE-14. VIP Day will last from 9:30AM to Noon Central Daylight Time. To access it, visit on the designated date and time. For more information on CAPSTONE-14 you can also visit the CAPSTONE-14 “portal” on the CUSEC website, where we have several pages of exercise-related information, notes, and archives.