Following the CAPSTONE-14 exercise in June of last year, CUSEC has completed an exercise “After-Action Report” (AAR). The report highlights lessons learned and successes from three years of multi-state planning and preparedness activities coordinated by CUSEC and our Member States. It also highlights recommendations that are critical to advancing earthquake preparedness in the central U.S. The report, lessons learned, and recommendations can all be reviewed by downloading the AAR from:
In addition to CUSEC’s report, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate has released an After-Action Report. This document summarizes the Federal Governments role in the exercise, lessons learned, as well as several “operational leave-behinds” from the exercise. These leave-behinds were developed during (or for) the CAPSTONE-14 exercise and have been implemented in several CUSEC Member States following the exercise. You can download the DHS S&T AAR from:
As we work to address the recommendations in the AAR, CUSEC would like to thank the many individuals, Local, State, and Federal Government organizations, and private sector partners who participated in the development and implementation of CAPSTONE-14. Their input and active participation in the years leading up to the exercise were the primary factor in making it a success. Please continue to monitor the CUSEC Website and our newsletter for updates on earthquake planning and preparedness initiatives in the central U.S.