The 11th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (NCEE) call for abstracts and papers is nearing a close. The conference, which occurs on the 70th Anniversary of the forming of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI), will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share the latest knowledge and techniques to better understand and mitigate the damaging effects of earthquakes and tsunamis. With the theme “Integrating Science, Engineering, and Policy,” the conference will bring together professionals from the full spectrum of the earthquake community to discuss and debate a multitude of issues related to seismic hazard, risk, mitigation and public policy.
Authors must submit abstracts and papers online. Detailed instructions are available at the conference website: The deadline for abstract submission is June 30, 2017. Details for the NCEE are as follows:
- Date: June 25-29, 2018
- Location: Los Angeles, California
- Registration: