COVID concerns nationwide and ongoing travel restrictions for many of the attendees interested in attending make it prudent for us to postpone the Central U.S. Earthquake Insurance Summit, scheduled for September 28-29, 2021 in St. Louis, Missouri. The Summit is temporarily postponed until spring of 2022. Stay tuned to the CUSEC website for updates.
Experts say that the New Madrid Seismic Zone, the largest active zone in the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains, is at risk for a major earthquake. However, earthquake insurance coverage in the highest risk areas of the New Madrid seismic zone has dropped dramatically in recent years, widening the gap between the insured and the uninsured. This leaves states with a significant challenge as they look at planning for a successful recovery following an event in which the economic losses are expected to reach $300 billion.
To address this issue, several organizations have partnered together to organize the first ever Central U.S. Earthquake Insurance Summit. Scheduled scheduled for Spring 2022 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Summit is being organized by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency, Missouri Department of Commerce and Insurance, FEMA Region VII, and CUSEC. The purpose of the Summit is to bring together the insurance industry, regulators, government officials and emergency management professionals to forge new ideas to begin “closing the gap.”
The Summit is open to anyone interested in earthquake insurance and earthquake resiliency issues. More information, including a detailed program agenda, hotel information, and registration, can be found at