The Consortium for Emergency Services Technology (CEST) held its founding meeting on March 10, 2021 to discuss its plans to enhance public-private partnerships and improving technology solutions for emergency services across the nation.

Click here to read the full press release.
About the CEST
The need for the private sector to have a seat at the table with emergency management agencies to help communities prepare for, mitigate against, and recover from all hazards has never been more needed. The CEST organized in 2020 for the purpose supplying resources to improve collaboration, coordination and information sharing for Public-Private Partnerships before, during, and after disasters.
CEST’s founding members are focused on working with the private sector to enhance operational abilities of the emergency services sector to identify, develop and share innovative technical approaches to improve public-private coordination across all levels of government with a specific focus on pre-planning and mitigation.
CUSEC has launched this initiative for two reasons. First, technology can serve as a “force multiplier” for emergency services agencies that have been faced with increased responsibilities, but little in the way of new resources. Second, there is an obvious need for the private sector to have a seat at the table, not just when a disaster strikes, but to also play a vital role in helping communities prepare for, mitigate against and recover from all hazards.