The primary mission of the CUSEC Technology Working Group is to leverage existing technology and geographic information systems (GIS) found within the member state emergency management agencies. Following an inaugural meeting in 2008, an emphasis was placed on capacity building following the announcement of the National Level Exercise 2011 focus being a seismic event. A second workshop took place in January 2010 with attendance composed of administrative and technical persons related to GIS.
Specifically, this effort will create the ability to display near real-time data in each state emergency operations center for true situational awareness. An agreed set of geospatial services will be published that indicate the status of such things as bridge infrastructure, functioning hospitals, shelters, etc. following a large seismic event. This will assist all the agencies in understanding the scale and needs for response within their jurisdiction, as well as mobilizing to assist other areas. The group includes federal representatives to assure the resulting efforts can be utilized to support the bigger picture.
Use the following links to view products of this workgroup –
CUSEC Member State REST Services
Missouri Map Book Example (12MB PDF Download)
For more information about the Technology Working Group, please contact Brian Blake, CUSEC staff lead for the group at (901) 544-3570